For the 2019 5-a-side Football Competition with have partnered with Powerleague Wembley who will run and manage the event for us.

Cubs, Scouts & Explorers will compete in three competitions; the winning and running-up team in each competition will be presented with a trophy and individual medals. The winners will also be presented with the District Cups, which will then be engraved with the results.

Teams can be between 5 and 7 members and sections can enter multiple teams. All details of teams must be booked in three weeks before the event.

Saturday 9th March 2019
9:30 am - 1:30 pm

The cost is £40 per team. Leaders should book teams in using the new online booking system. The leader in charge from the group/unit must hold emergency contact details for all members taking part.

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2019 Canoe & Kayak Taster Sessions